Winter snow and strong, cold winds can cause a lot of problems to the trees around your home. Once spring arrives, one of the best things to do is schedule a spring tree inspection to identify potential winter damage. Visit to download the full Davey spring tree care checklist.
Jim Houston, Davey Tree Service expert and ISA certified arborist, tells you what to look for when inspecting trees in the spring season.
What signs of winter damage should I look for?
1. Are a tree’s branches leafing out consistently? If not, some branches may be dead or dying.
2. Do leaves appear to be browning along the edges and tips? Boxwoods and evergreens, for example, are susceptible to winter burn, a condition where the leaf tissue dries out from lack of water. They are unable to pull moisture from the soil because the ground is frozen and therefore are vulnerable to cold winter winds.
3. Do trees and shrubs appear discolored? Poor drainage from large amounts of melting snow can cause this issue.
Inspecting your trees and shrubs for winter damage in the spring will allow you to get the full benefits from your landscape year round.
Contact your local professionally trained arborist with any concerns or questions you may have as you go through your spring tree inspection.