Davey Tree Flipbooks

Davey Bulletin March-April 2018

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

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22 THE DAVEY BULLETIN | March/April 2018 MY DAVEY PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF WITH EXPANDED ASH CONTRACT How can we help make things easier? It's a simple question, but it can go a long way when working with a potential client. Jason Parker, district manager, North Philadelphia R/C office, asked this question and ended up winning a major contract for his office. SHOWING THE DAVEY DIFFERENCE The North Philadelphia office had been on the bid list for Warminster Township, Pennsylvania, for years. With emerald ash borer (EAB) a problem in the area, it has caused ash death and the need for removal of dead ash trees for safety reasons on township-owned properties. Parker reached out to the director of parks and recreation for the township to talk about the township's bid process for removals. The director indicated that it was a cumbersome process. Parker's response was, how can we make your life easier? The director was looking for three things in a multi-year contract: a pruning price per unit, a removal price per unit and a treatment price per unit for all township-owned properties, such as the parks, public golf course and open areas between neighborhoods. "We basically ended up writing the bid specs for her," Parker said. "It's taken a huge amount of work off her plate, instead of setting up individual meetings for every tree that needs to come down." Parker's office and two other bidders put together the pricing for the township. Originally, Parker won the pruning and injection portions of the contract. But, as luck would have it, Parker's office would also win the removal portion of the contract. In the spring of 2017, the director called to ask if Parker would be interested in taking over the removal portion of the contract, because the original winner of the bid could not continue the work. Parker's office has the contract through 2019, with the possibility of an extension. "Our hope is that beyond this initial project, we can just keep going and being their tree care professionals for the pruning and other work," Parker said.

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