March/April 2018
Davey's Wilmington and Brandywine
R/C offices landed a significant
beautification project on Interstate
95 for the Delaware Department of
Transportation (DelDOT).
Beginning in mid-Feburary 2017, the
project took place on more than 7
miles of roadway coming in and out
of Delaware on I-95, for a combined
15 miles of project area. Dave Balint,
district manager of both offices, said
the project was meant to clear trees
and brush 30 feet back from the
guardrail into the wood line.
Even during the I-95 project, DelDOT
added more work to be done. Balint
Crews from Davey's Wilmington and
Brandywine offices work along Interstate 95
in Delaware. The work required special safety
considerations because the crews were
operating alongside highway traffic.
now estimates that when all is said
and done it will be close to a $1 million
project for his offices.
The goal of the project was to clear
trees hanging over the guardrails
and roadway that could be possible
impediments for drivers during a storm
or high winds, Balint said. It also im-
proved visibility of signage, exit ramps
and made the roadway look cleaner.
Safety is at the forefront when
working on a project of this magnitude,
Balint said.
"You have to pay attention to the
traffic and respect it," Balint said. "My
biggest concern being out there daily
was the safety of my crews."
During the project, four to five crews
were working on I-95. One lane was
closed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with
traffic still cruising along at about 70
mph in the other open lanes. Thirty-six-
foot Drum Channelizing Devices were
placed to create a work zone of 1,500
feet. An attenuator, or crash truck, was
placed at the beginning of the work
zone as a preventative measure to
keep a car from accidentally entering
the zone and hurting a crew member
or the equipment.
Balint also said DelDOT stopped work
on the project from Memorial Day to
Labor Day, due to the heavy traffic on
the road from summer vacationers.
Even with the risks, there were plenty
of rewards from this project.
"I think the advertisement we get out
there daily with all the cars and traffic
is well worth it," Balint said. "The
visibility is phenomenal and you can't
put a price on it."
Balint is hopeful this project helped
generate more business for the offices.
"Being out there for that length of
time with all our trucks has increased
the phone ringing," Balint said. "It's
been good for our business."