Pat enjoyed a long career in
the Parks Service before joining
Hartney Greymont in 2010. He is
widely remembered by his peers as
bringing a different approach and
perspective to our business. Many
recall his first day, passing around
a tray of maple syrup samples that
raised plenty of eyebrows at the
time, but couldn't have been a
more perfect introduction into how
Pat would implement his own style
of tree care for the next six years.
Jovial and engaging, Pat excelled
at connecting with people about life
and their landscapes. He shared
a passion for plants which he was
able to springboard into relatable
anecdotes about life that created
strong personal connections.
Pat had boundless energy, a quality
that tended to be contagious when
you worked in close proximity.
Known for his long, in-depth
descriptions on client property files
as well as his notorious and frequent
use of Google maps for accurate
jobsite illustrations, Pat's quirks
were what made him so endearing.
In a recent remembrance meeting
at Hartney Greymont coworkers
were prompted to share stories
about our friend and each one was
punctuated with hearty laughter
throughout the group. What a great
legacy to leave behind.
He will be missed.
A historical
photo of the
Davey team
using the root
zone fertiliza-
tion method.
A TCIA Accredited company with ISA Certified Arborists, Hartney
was founded on a commitment to science-based tree care.
master pruners
pioneered the
art of natural
shrub pruning.
Our friend and colleague Patrick G.
Flynn passed away unexpectedly in
June. He left behind a loving wife, two
children and an office full of saddened