Davey Tree Flipbooks

MyDavey Bulletin - January/February 2014

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

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January/February 2014 | 31 Every Tree Tells a Story Northwest Native Named Big Tree To look at a tree is to imagine its story. Who has it sheltered? What events have occurred in its shadow? In this way, every tree adds to the richness of our lives. A moose checks out Alaska's national champion Kenai birch. The tree was nominated and measured by students at the Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Sciences. Photo: Don Bertolette I ts canopy expands across the moonlit sky as intertwining branches cast faint, intricate, silhouetted designs upon the earth below. The very tips of its crown reach high into the air as if the sun had been present for hours; but instead, darkness ensues more than half of the day. Just a few years ago, the champion Kenai birch tree caught the attention of a group of fourth, fifth and sixth grade students from the Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Sciences, a public elementary charter school in the village of Kenai, Alaska, where instructors help develop students' academic and life skills. Nominating a champion-sized tree is one hands-on experience the students will likely never forget. Now, thanks to their elementary- aged opinions, the impressive Kenai birch tree is famous for its outstanding features and sheer size. This champion tree's structure, measuring 37 feet from base to tree top and 43 feet across its reaching crown, represents the largest of Kenai birch trees—and stands, fittingly, in Kenai. At 76 inches around, its trunk boasts the stability to support the champion Kenai birch during the region's most severe wintry weather, from chilling temperatures and extreme wind chills to snow accumulation. Native to Western Canada and Alaska, the Kenai birch thrives at altitudes as low as sea level, particularly in the moist soils it prefers. Although the species harvests close-grained, light, strong wood for fuel and kindling, its unique visual features capture the admiration and attention of natives; the Kenai birch's white bark, slightly tinged orange or brown, differentiates the species among others standing in its presence. But the special champion Kenai birch tree tells a story unique to all others its ancestors have shared. Located in Kenai, where the world-famous Kenai River meets the Cook Inlet, the champion Kenai birch stands within the heart of Alaskan adventure: Kenai, a place that features something for everyone to explore; "a village with a past, a city with a future." January/February 2014 | 31

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