Davey Tree Flipbooks

MyDavey Bulletin - January/February 2014

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

Issue link: http://daveytree.uberflip.com/i/370075

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Davey Corporate Policy on Harassment T he Davey Tree Expert Company and its subsidiaries are committed to providing a productive and conducive work environment for all our employees that is free of harassment. Since harassment is counter to the values and goals of this organization, harassment related to an employee's race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, military status or other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law, will not be tolerated. Any such harassment by or of any of our employees, applicants, customers or other business associ- ates is prohibited by this policy, whether or not it also violates applicable law. Harassment prohibited by this policy includes, but is not limited to, the following conduct: • Unwelcome verbal conduct such as offensive sexual remarks, innuendoes or comments, sexual or ethnic jokes, racial slurs or epithets, use of offensive stereotypes, and/or other offensive verbal conduct pertaining to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, or other protected status; • Sexual advances, propositions or requests for sexual favors; • Unwelcome and offensive physical conduct, including touching, leering, blocking an employee's movement, or sexual gestures; • Unwelcome and offensive written conduct such as offensive pictures, sexually suggestive posters, drawings, cartoons, photographs or other communications, including e-mail; • Reprisals or threatening reprisals for an employee's unwillingness to respond to requests for sexual favors; and • Reprisals or threatening reprisals for complaining about or for reporting a violation of this policy. In addition to being a violation of Davey's policy, harassment is against the law. The Davey Tree Expert Company will not tolerate harassment of its employees by anyone-includ- ing supervisors, other employees, or individuals conducting business with Davey. Any employee who violates the harassment policy will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. If, at any time, you feel you have been subjected to harassment or you learn about any other potential harassment, contact your supervisor immediately so that an investigation can be made and appropriate action taken. If you do not feel comfortable contacting your supervisor about the matter or if you feel that the words or actions of a supervisor constitute harassment, please contact me at 800-447-1667, ext. 8319. Davey's policy is to investigate thoroughly and to take appropriate action to remedy inci- dents of harassment. In order to accomplish this, however, harassment must be brought to the attention of management. Accordingly, employees who have complaints of harassment or who are aware of incidents of harassment must bring any such conduct to management's attention. Employees are not required to complain first to the person who is engaging in the harassment. To the extent possible, every reasonable attempt will be made to maintain confidentiality during the course of an investigation into a complaint of harassment. No employee will be subject to reprisal or retaliation for having made a good faith complaint of harassment or for having participated in an investigation into allegations of harassment. Kathleen Doody Manager, Human Resources Administration Equal Employment Opportunity A s a service provider, our continued success depends heavily upon our ability to attract and retain the best people available, regardless of their age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, military status, or other protected characteristics as established by federal, state, or local law. Apart from the ethical and legal considerations of equal employment opportunity, it can enhance the depth and quality of our business resources. We will continue to direct our employment and personnel practices toward ensuring equal opportunity for everyone. It is our mandate that all matters related to the terms and conditions of employment (e.g.; recruiting, hiring, training, education, com- pensation, benefits, promotions, etc.) and all treatment on the job be free of discrimination. In addition to our Equal Employment Opportunity policy, we maintain an Affirmative Action Program in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Our policies detail our commitment to equal employment opportunities. Your immediate supervisor or, if necessary, Rick Edson, Surgery Company operations, Livermore, California; Paul Holland, Canadian operations, Ancaster, Ontario; Kathy Doody, manager of Human Resources; and Marjorie Conner, Assistant Secretary and Counsel, for the Expert Company and all other subsidiary operations, will be happy to address any questions that you may have. We will continue to closely monitor and revise our established Equal Employment Opportunity related programs as warranted. Karl J. Warnke Chairman, President & CEO January/February 2014 | 23

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