Davey Tree Flipbooks

MyDavey Bulletin - January/February 2014

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

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Your Company, Your Bulletin T he Davey Company is about you. And, as such, The Bulletin features stories that focus on you: your projects, your jobs, your passions, your community service and your important work with trees and land- scapes. You are the stars of this publication. The articles here are meant to inspire and empower you. This has been the core of The Bulletin since its beginning in 1910, when it was called The Davey Tree Surgeon's Bulletin. Back then, in that first issue, the editor wrote it was the company's "sincere desire to help YOU—to boost your value. In other words, it is our belief that your greater success means our greater success." Your Davey stories—back then and today— are vital to each Bulletin. They share Davey successes and speak to the continued future growth of the company. Your work with trees adds to the value of each community in which you live and work. In this spirit of sharing Davey experiences, the time felt right to bring "Davey" back to The Bulletin. Our employee storybook is evolving to better illustrate the passion employees have for Davey, as well as mimic industry change, com- pany growth and service reach. With this issue, you'll notice our new cover and logo: MyDavey: The Bulletin for Davey Employees. As in the beginning and in every issue, The Bulletin is all about you. Feel free to continue to share your Davey experiences with us at bulletin@davey.com. Nicole Wisniewski, The Bulletin editor Nicole Wisniewski Root of the Issue On the cover: Mike Dawes, Canton R/C Photo: Melinda Yoho The Bulletin is produced by Davey Corporate Communications and Marketing. Direct Bulletin comments/questions to: The Davey Tree Expert Company Attn.: The Bulletin, 1500 N. Mantua St. P.O. Box 5193, Kent, Ohio 44240-5193 800-447-1667, Ext. 8326 Fax: 330-673-0170 E-mail: bulletin@davey.com Sandra Reid vice president, corporate communications and strategic planning administration Nicole Wisniewski The Bulletin editor Lindsay Ridinger The Bulletin managing editor Melinda Yoho The Bulletin photo editor Janis Hittle The Bulletin administrative support ©2014 The Davey Tree Expert Company 13 31 Did You Know? I t was nearly 104 years ago when Editor L.G. Vair first distributed The Davey Tree Surgeon's Bulletin to all 44 employees of the young Davey Tree Expert Company. Today, MyDavey: The Bulletin for Davey Employees reaches approximately 8,000 people once every two months. Very similar to the stories past employees have shared with The Bulletin editors through the years—such as Wesley Hollister, responsible for the original name change to The Bulletin in 1916—we love to record your stories. Although the methods in which you share your stories, such as email and social media, have expanded, your ideas still contribute to the history of the company. The Bulletin is one of the oldest employee publications—something to be proud of. But the story doesn't end here. As we continue to write it, we'll always remember where it began—rooted in that first 5-by-8-inch, 16-page, weekly publication released on Feb. 19, 1910. Times have changed. But our story stays the same. The Bulletin turns 104 this year. January/February 2014 | 3

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