Davey Tree Flipbooks

MyDavey Bulletin - January/February 2014

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

Issue link: http://daveytree.uberflip.com/i/370075

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"Keeping Davey's name attached to cutting- edge tools and creating relationships with those using them is key," Zelaya says. "By being seed planters with our training, we cause a ripple effect. The community realizes how beneficial trees are to their cities; then they know who to call to help maintain and manage their trees, including Davey's residential and commercial services or Davey Resource Group." J ason Henning and Al Zelaya, both Davey Institute research urban foresters, recently had the opportunity to present an i-Tree workshop to curious, knowledge-craving tree lovers in the Millbrook, N.Y., community. During the workshop, Henning and Zelaya did an overview of i-Tree's nine applications but focused the majority of their time on i-Tree Streets and the pest detection module because it was what the attendees were most interested in. "It was a new audience, and we tried some new features with them, including mobile data collection with smartphones and tablets," Henning says. "It's amazing how quickly our user base continues to grow." "We had many participants involved with community projects," Zelaya adds. "Having the ability to walk through and create projects, get data and create reports that are achievable and accessible to those using the application will benefit the communities and Davey." Henning sees many benefits of providing this kind of training to these kinds of audiences. "A lot of using the tool is knowing what can be done with it," he says. "They can learn how to use the software and get results in their own community by improving their understanding of the value of trees." Zelaya agrees and sees future benefits of presenting the information to the public. i-Tree Workshop Improves Software Sense "We're constantly expanding, changing and engaging new audiences," he says. "With i-Tree in the community, there is a new way to demonstrate how valuable trees are. We're showing them how to move beyond seeing tree structure and aesthetics to understanding tree-produced ecosystem services and values. Trees produce many community benefits, so when we teach people how to use i-Tree, they can be more effective in terms of advocacy and future planning to improve their cities." Although teaching i-Tree software can sometimes be difficult due to the range of computer skills of participants, Zelaya finds it rewarding to see it "click" with those learning and knows it is important for Davey to stay at the forefront of education. On the Job Al Zelaya, Davey Institute research urban forester Jason Henning, Davey Institute research urban forester 18 | January/February 2014

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