folloW tHe "rigHt tree / rigHt
Place" PrinciPle:
TALL TRees 40ft. or higher
MeDIUM TRees 40ft. or less
sMALL TRees 25ft. or less
NoTe: Plant taller trees away
from overhead utility lines.
1. how large will the tree get? Make sure
you have a good understanding of the tree's size
at maturity.
2. Does the tree need a particular type of
soil? Will it tolerate heavy clay for example?
Or, does it need acidic soil to thrive? Is the tree
drought-tolerant? How do those requirements
fit your planting site?
Avoid a common
Planting too deeply
results in a lack of
oxygen to the root
system, which will
shorten the life of
your tree.
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