Davey Tree Flipbooks

Plant Health Care Guide

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

Issue link: http://daveytree.uberflip.com/i/251482

Contents of this Issue


Page 4 of 27

n Remove critical risk trees n Fertilize trees and shrubs (as part of your normal annual program) n Inspect trees and shrubs for insects and diseases, and treat appropriately n Inspect trees and shrubs for drought stress n Prune dead, diseased or unsafe branches n Prune spring flowering shrubs n Cable or brace weak limbs to prepare for severe weather sUMMeR checKLIsT Plant HealtH care for eVery season 5 Read online @ www.davey.com/guide

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