rees that are properly pruned live longer, retain a pleasing, natural
appearance, and are better able to withstand severe weather.
When to prune
While maintenance pruning of most shade trees can be done anytime, certain
species should be pruned at specific times of the year. Consult your Davey arborist
to develop an appropriate pruning cycle for your specific trees.
Pruning tips
» First, prune the obviously dead, dis-
eased or broken branches and water
sprouts and suckers.
» Next, look for a strong central leader
and examine the branching structure
of the tree. You may want to direc-
tionally prune the tree to make sure it
maintains a strong, healthy shape.
» Finally, make proper pruning cuts to
avoid ripping the bark or injuring the
trunk of the tree. (see diagram)
PrUning is a cornerstone of any
sUccessfUl tree care Progr am.
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