Davey Tree Flipbooks

Davey Bulletin September-October 2024

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

Issue link: http://daveytree.uberflip.com/i/1527877

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4 THE DAVEY BULLETIN | September/October 2024 recommendations to improve the overall functionality and appearance of the offi ce. Assessments will be conducted in 2024 and recommendations will be made, however, any actual improvements will follow in the next phase of the project and over subsequent years. First and foremost, this is an investment in our employees. We want you to have comfortable work places that are safe, functional, effi cient, and befi tting a modern Davey workplace. Facility updates also offer a recruiting and retention opportunity. It's hard to attract a new employee if they walk into a tired, outdated offi ce. That fi rst impression can be important. And employees are more likely to stay and build a career if they can do it in a clean, modern, attractive workspace. Update recommendations may extend beyond interior improvements such as fl ooring, paint and utilities. If the Davey offi ce is in a high-profi le location within the community where people drive by and see our company name on the building, then we want our employees to be proud of how Davey is represented and seen in the community as well. Our focus right now is on company-owned properties. Once we address the recommended updates for the Davey-owned facilities, we may eventually look at what similar improvements may make sense for non-company owned spaces. We want to present a face to current employees, potential employees, and the communities we serve that refl ects Davey's physical offi ces as high-quality, professional operations that are on the same level of our expertise and client experience. Turn to page fi ve to read more about the facilities assessment we are conducting this year. A. We want to make Davey a great place to work for everybody, not just for those who work at or travel to the corporate offi ce, or who will have the opportunity to experience the Davey SEED (Science, Employee Education and Development) Campus after it opens in 2025. We have invested in our roots here in Kent, and we are looking more broadly toward our branches to see how we can try and do the same for our fi eld offi ces. This year we added a new action item to the Davey Strategic Plan Vision 2030 that set the stage for an assessment of our fi eld facilities. This assessment will identify needs and opportunities for improvement. Throughout this year, the fi eld facilities assessment will examine all company-owned offi ce facilities for Residential/Commercial services, Commercial Landscape Services and Fleet Services shops in the U.S. Having traveled a lot over the years to Davey offi ces throughout the country, I can say they are places where you can have a range of experiences. Some locations are newer and well-kept. Others are older and in need of updates. Like the corporate offi ce, which opened in 1985, over time facility infrastructure can age, become worn and tired aesthetically, and can need refreshed. We worked with consultants to take an outside perspective on what needed to be updated and what would help with the overall offi ce environment at corporate, and that's what we're doing with the fi eld offi ces. We've obviously made some big investments in Kent. We want to make sure there is a certain standard for the experience our fi eld offi ces provide our employees. We have a trusted partner, the Ruhlin Company, which managed construction of the corporate third wing and the ongoing SEED Campus, to guide us through this assessment of our fi eld locations. This year our assessment team may visit your company- owned location to review it in order to make Q. WILL MY OFFICE GET UPDATES LIKE THE CORPORATE OFFICE? ASK THE CEO Pat Covey Davey Chairman, President and CEO

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