Davey Tree Flipbooks

Davey Bulletin September-October 2024

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

Issue link: http://daveytree.uberflip.com/i/1527877

Contents of this Issue


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3 September/October 2024 | THE DAVEY BULLETIN ANOTHER DAY AT DAVEY MEANS... In every issue of The Bulletin I try to encapsulate and summarize the issue highlights in these Root of the Issue columns. Sometimes there is a clear theme. Sometimes there is a truly fascinating and tremendous story to share. Sometimes, a Bulletin issue refl ects just another day at Davey. Just another day at Davey means employees are doing exceptional and extraordinary acts in service of their clients, their communities and their colleagues. So, what does just another day at Davey mean? It means... ...BEING A GOOD SAMARITAN Whether it's changing a fl at tire for a stranger, calling 911 for an elderly homeowner or helping prevent the spread of a fi re, Davey employees are good Samaritans. Turn to page 10 to read about how Davey employees exemplifi ed our values of integrity and stewardship. ...SUPPORTING YOUR COMMUNITY Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana earned a special Davey badge for participating in a fun, educational outdoor program organized by the Naperville and South Chicago offi ces. The Girl Scouts learned about native trees, limb walking, and proper tree planting. Matt Fredmonsky ROOT OF THE ISSUE Our Mission We exceed client expectations. Leadership We take purposeful action toward our collective success. Perseverance We create solutions to overcome challenges. Integrity We are honest and truthful in all we do. Safety We protect and care for each other. Expertise We use science and knowledge to master our craft. Our Vision We create and deliver sustainable solutions. Stewardship We make the world around us better. Turn to page 19 to read about how we helped foster a love for arboriculture in today's youth. ...FINDING UNIQUE SOLUTIONS When fl ood debris piled up against a hydroelectric dam, the client knew who to call. Eastern Utility services employees partnered with our health and safety department to create a safe, innovative plan to remove a pile of driftwood 18 feet tall to ensure the dam was not impacted. Turn to page 21 to learn about the unusual obstacles related to working in the middle of a large river that Davey employees overcame. ...SHARING YOUR STORIES One strong aspect of Davey's culture is that we set good examples for our colleagues. One way we do that is by sharing our Davey stories with each other – whether that means sharing a close-call communication or successful sales tip. What does another day at Davey mean to you? Share your stories with us. Send an email to bulletin@davey.com with your Bulletin story suggestions. You can also email daveyconnect@ davey.com with any questions or story suggestions.

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