Davey Tree Flipbooks

Davey Bulletin May-June 2024

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

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The Davey Tree Expert Company P.O. Box 5193 Kent, Ohio 44240-5193 DID YOU KNOW? A truly unique cultivar of maple tree is available exclusively to Davey clients thanks to a decades-long commitment to preserving the tree at the Davey Nursery. This maple tree is available only to Davey operations that order one of these vibrant trees from the nursery in Wooster, Ohio. Rick Hanshaw, branch manager, said the unusual maple was discovered years ago amongst a large order of standard red maple trees. "The story goes, when they lined out a field here at the nursery of red maples, which at the time were supposed to be sunset red maples, one of them in that row in particular stood out," Hanshaw said. "It had a faster growth rate, a different fall color – it was more of a yellow fall color – and a nicely symmetrical crown." So, the nursery took cuttings from this unique tree and provided them to a nursery on the West Coast where the cuttings were grown into saplings and sent back to Davey. Since then, the Davey Nursery has propagated the tree, which bears the name Davey Red Maple ® , officially trademarked in 1991. Today, more than 400 of them are in stock at the nursery. Hanshaw said they plan to maintain it as part of the nursery's stock for the foreseeable future. UNIQUE MAPLE CULTIVAR BEARS DAVEY NAME Pictured left, a unique cultivar red maple carries the Davey name. Here an example of a mature Davey Red Maple ® tree is shown at the Davey Nursery in Wooster, Ohio. Davey operations interested in ordering this unique tree for a project or client property can contact Rick Hanshaw, rick.hanshaw@davey.com, at the nursery.

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