Davey Tree Flipbooks

Davey Bulletin Jan-Feb 2024

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

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20 THE DAVEY BULLETIN | January/February 2024 EXPERTISE Christian Feichtinger, arborist skills trainer, Davey Institute, researched ancient giant sequoias in the Merced Grove and Mariposa Grove of California's Yosemite National Park with the nonprofit Ancient Forest Society's Anthony GIANT SEQUOIAS RESEARCHED IN YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK Ambrose, co-founder, executive director, and board member, and Wendy Baxter, co-founder, program manager, and board member. They took samples of the sapwood from 43 giant sequoias to examine the isotopes of the water extracted to find out where the trees are getting their water from, specifically after a fire event. They also collected water from the surrounding landscape to see if the water isotope signature matched the water in the samples. "The work Anthony and his wife Wendy do is to better understand the trees and make informed decisions on their health moving forward. There is still a lot to learn about the giant sequoias," Feichtinger said. "I'm fortunate to have been part of this team. It was an experience of a lifetime." Christian Feichtinger, arborist skills trainer, Davey Institute, is pictured in a giant sequoia grove. "When I entered the grove for the first time, the sight of the trees stopped me dead in mid-conversation. I was speechless," Feichtinger said. "The huge orange stems reflecting the sun stole all my attention immediately. I've heard how big these trees are from other people, but there isn't a description that does them justice. You must see them for yourself." Davey Tree Expert Co. of Canada, Limited's Victoria Residential office saved and preserved two Garry oak trees for BC Housing, whose roots had been paved over with asphalt in a redevelopment project in Victoria, British Columbia. The client had previously mapped out the root zones located under the concrete, allowing the Victoria office crews to step in to remove the asphalt; dig trenches around the roots; treat and add soil and woodchips to the area; and finally, build a protection fence around the tree. "The asphalt had been laid all the way up to the trunk of these old trees, so VICTORIA RESIDENTIAL OFFICE RESTORES OAK TREES' ROOTS we used the air-powered tool to hand dig carefully up to the trunk. There was a thick layer of fill that had been compacted on top of the roots and the soil that the roots were growing in was hard like concrete. It's amazing to me that these trees were alive at all!" said Dan Sharp, district manager, Victoria Residential office. Tyler Cripps, climber, Victoria Residential office, said the trees are currently thriving. "The trees themselves were big, old, and in an undesirable spot," Cripps said. "It was nice to be able to rejuvenate them and give them a fighting chance." Victoria Residential office crew members who worked on the root restoration included Tyler Cripps, climber; Isaac Kilpatrick, foreman; Neilsen Ooms, apprentice; Ethan Ramirez, apprentice; and Dan Sharp, district manager. Christian Feichtinger can be seen atop a giant sequoia, referred to as "Shakti" by the Ancient Forest Society. "This was the first giant sequoia I ascended to the top. I have climbed many trees over my career, and it's been a while since I've had a nervous feeling. Being at the mercy of a 2,000-year-old tree that is 248 feet tall was a very humbling feeling. It was a privilege to climb one of these trees and a goal I never imagined I would get to accomplish."

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