July/August 2023
I really appreciate the safety culture we have
at Davey. My team works together to practice
proper safety procedures every day, so I'm ready
to deal with situations effectively and efficiently.
We take the time to learn the correct safety
protocols to keep everyone protected because
a huge part of our job is making sure everyone
gets home to their families happy and healthy.
Lindy Baron
foreman, DTE Energy account
Eastern Utility services
Scan to access
the DaveyConnect
Health and Safety
Center for U.S.
more urban forestry projects in the U.S. and bring additional
value to our clients. This solution helps to drastically reduce
the amount of time it takes to collect urban forestry data;
therefore, we'll be able to complete more tree inventories
for more cities and use the data to thoughtfully plan tree
maintenance and planting projects in our urban areas,"
Behounek said.
Davey Resource Group partnered with greehill on a pilot
city of Pittsburgh street tree inventory. Based in Budapest,
Hungary, greehill has developed urban tree 3D monitoring
laser scanning technology powered by artificial intelligence.
Matt Erb, senior associate consultant, Davey Resource
Group (DRG), Environmental Consulting services (EC),
led the pilot street tree inventory project, which covered
approximately 1,000 street miles. "The data gathered by
greehill's scanner goes
to their office for post
processing to capture
the trees we're most
interested in, which are
the street trees rather
than the trees in some-
one's yard, for example.
DRG employees input
this data into Davey's
urban forestry
management system
TreeKeeper," Erb said.
Erb noted greehill's
technology provides
detailed imagery via the
photographs taken by the
scanner, and at the same
time, there's a spinning instrument that pulses laser light
out into the urban environment. The computer is measuring
the time it takes for the light to bounce back from objects,
which allows them to accurately map the trunks, branches,
and leaves of trees.
Josh Behounek, business development manager, DRG, EC,
initiated the partnership with greehill. "DRG will be able to
utilize greehill's new urban forestry technology to complete
Above: An image of all the trees
is generated by greehill's 3D
modeling laser scanning system
during a street tree inventory.
Approximately 37,000 trees were
inventoried between late April to
mid-June during the street tree
inventory in Pittsburgh.
Left: Emily Penn, environmental
scientist, Davey Resource
Group, Environmental Consulting
services, uses a tablet to input
data into TreeKeeper. The vehicle
operated by greehill employees
with attached scanner to conduct
street tree inventories is pictured
in the background..