197 196 Growth Rings Acknowledgements
is book could not have been written without the generous support and assistance of the
following people, many of whom gave freely of their time for multiple interviews, to assist
with research, to fact-check, offer guidance, support the design and production, or simply
share their knowledge of Davey history: Larry Abernathy, Dave Adante, Pat Auletta, Chris
Bast, Jack Bloomfield, Bob Browne, Howard Bowles, Chris Cooper, Tom Countryman,
Pat Covey, Doug Cowan, Geoff Cowan, Jed Day, James Doyle, Dundas Museum and
Archives, Marty Erbaugh, Larry Evans, Richard Foote, Roger Funk, Dave Flynn, George
Gaumer, Cecil Giltz, William D. Ginn, Henry and Sandy Halem, Ray Hannebique, Bill
Heim, Janis Hittle, Tom Hutchins, Greg Ina, Brian Jeffers, Ken Joehlin, Fred Johnson,
Dan Joy, Kent Historical Society, Kent State University Special Collections and Archives,
Jen Lennox, Steve Marshall, Jack McCabe, Mike Mittiga, Marjorie Mooney, Mike Nash,
Dan Nihiser, Gordon Ober, Jenna Paul, Kevin Peters, Ward Peterson, Larry Petrasek, Rick
Ramsey, Sandee Reid, Brent Repenning, Chelsea Russ, Luther Sanderson, Blaire Sayers,
ea Sears, Betsy Selzer, Patti Shanley, Rachel Slippy, Jim Stief, Sue Straub, Harry Taylor,
Marissa Tiroly, Delbert Tunks, Mark Vaughn, Blair Veitch, Karl Warnke, Trey Webster,
Barry Weidner, Donna White, Karen Wise, Cara Zoltowicz.