The Davey Tree Expert Company
P.O. Box 5193
Kent, Ohio 44240-5193
The 30-foot living Colorado Blue Spruce came from York, Pennsylvania,
to President's Park South. America has had a national tree since 1923,
but only for the previous five years had it been living. The moving and
transplanting called for the use of a semi-truck and trailer, and a 45-ton
crane. The tree and root ball weighed an estimated 16 tons. District
managers Clayton Cole, John Dingus and
Dave Hintz, along with Greg Carpenter
and Stan Hatzfeld, worked on the job.
It was the first live, transplanted tree
to withstand the move beyond a few
years. It stood as the National
Christmas Tree until 2011, when
it was severely damaged in a wind
storm. In 2012, Davey helped find
and transplant its replacement.
Photos to the left: Davey Tree
transplanted the National
Christmas Tree near the White
House in Washington, D.C.,
in October 1978. At right,
the National Christmas
Tree all lit up in December
Courtesy National Archives, photo no. 6384324