Davey Tree Flipbooks

Davey Bulletin Nov-Dec 2019

The Davey Tree Expert Company provides residential and commercial tree service and landscape service throughout North America. Read our Flipbooks for helpful tips and information on proper tree and lawn care.

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10 THE DAVEY BULLETIN | November/December 2019 MISSION DAVEY EAST CAMPUS EXPANSION PLANS ANNOUNCED Specialized training and research in the field of arboriculture are at the center of plans for developing a 174-acre former golf course into the new Davey East Campus. A six-month master planning process, guided by the SmithGroup integrated design firm in collaboration with TC Architects, wrapped up in November with participation from Davey executive leaders and a steering committee representing all company service lines and operations. Greg Ina, executive vice president, Davey Institute and employee development, said the planning process deliberately involved multiple levels of company management in identify- ing best uses for the site, which Davey acquired in May 2017. "As employee-owners, our focus is on providing resources to our employees," Ina said. "The investment in developing this property is being made with the intent of establishing world-class training and research facilities that will benefit all Davey employees and the green industry at large. The Smith Group interviewed more than 60 people in their workshops to get us to the point where we had the priority components identified that we wanted to include in the master plan." Some of the planned facilities include a training center with associated offices totaling more than 25,000 square feet, an indoor climbing center of 10,700 square feet and 18 spans of non-energized right-of-way. Research facilities include more than 7,000 square feet of laboratories and greenhouses, This master plan for the Davey East Campus shows the locations of research and training facilities, public access areas, parking areas and other elements. The property is located across from and to the north of Davey's current corporate headquarters in Kent, Ohio. Site development will start with delineation of roadways, research plots and wetland areas. a container nursery, and multiple research plots and fields. Davey President and CEO Pat Covey said the training, education and research commitment Davey is making with the East Campus will reinforce and build upon our long history of investing in our employees, clients and the green industry. "Our intent is to coordinate the building of this facility with our other business needs over the next five to 10 years and create a facility that our employees, shareholders and community will benefit from," Covey said. Dan Herms, vice president of research and development, Davey Institute, said the site has spectacular natural elements yet also benefits from boundaries with land owned by the Portage Park District to the north and the Cuyahoga River to the east and south. "The land has wonderful natural areas that can be used to support training efforts, including a healthy bog, close to1 mile of river frontage, wetlands with rich native plant communities, riparian forests and many mature trees," Herms said. "The mature trees are not only beautiful, but they offer the opportunity for long-term experiments on large trees, the sort which historically have not been

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